by RQue Royal Design | Sep 30, 2024 | Saint of the Day
Generations of Catholics have admired this young saint, called her the “Little Flower”, and found in her short life more inspiration for their own lives than in volumes by theologians. Yet Therese died when she was 24, after having lived as cloistered...
by RQue Royal Design | Sep 29, 2024 | Saint of the Day
Before he was known as Saint Jerome, he was named Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus. He was born around 342 AD, in Stridon, Dalmatia. Today, the town, which ceased to exist in JeromeÂ?s time, would likely be in Croatia or Slovenia. The young Jerome was educated by Aelius...
by RQue Royal Design | Sep 28, 2024 | Saint of the Day
St. Michael the Archangel, also known as Saint Michael the Archangel or simply Archangel Michael, holds a significant place in the Roman Catholic tradition. He is an Archangel, associated with courage, protection, and divine intervention. Biblical and Historical Roots...
by RQue Royal Design | Sep 27, 2024 | Saint of the Day
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was born around the year 1600 in Binondo, Manila in the Philippines. He was the son of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother. Both were Christians and took care to raise Lorenzo as a Catholic. He served happily in his parish church as an altar boy...
by RQue Royal Design | Sep 26, 2024 | Saint of the Day
St. Vincent de Paul was born to a poor peasant family in the French village of Pouy on April 24, 1581. His first formal education was provided by the Franciscans. He did so well, he was hired to tutor the children of a nearby wealthy family. He used the monies he...
by RQue Royal Design | Sep 25, 2024 | Saint of the Day
Sts. Cosmas and Damian were brothers, born in Arabia, who had become eminent for their skill in the science of medicine. Being Christians, they were filled with the spirit of charity and never took money for their services. At Egaea in Cilicia, where they lived, they...