Dear Brothers in Christ,

Earlier today Governor Wolf extended his “Stay at Home” order to include Centre County. In keeping with our protocols announced earlier (March 20), in order to protect the faithful and follow this important restriction put in place by the governor, all church buildings in Centre County should now be closed to the public until Bishop Mark directs otherwise. Parishioners should be reminded of the importance of remaining at home, both for the sake of their own health and that of their brothers and sisters. It is looking more likely that most of the counties of our diocese will be soon be under a similar restriction. The Bishop appreciates your cooperation in this difficult time.

Questions have arisen about the possibility of distributing palms to the faithful on Palm Sunday, keeping in mind the need for social distancing and other precautions. Because of the possibility of transmitting the coronavirus through multiple persons touching the palms, even if placed in outside the church buildings, palms should not be blessed and distributed to the faithful on Palm Sunday.

Further updates will be issued as they are needed.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Alan Thomas