Daily Reading for Wednesday August 26, 2020
Reading 1, Second Thessalonians 3:6-10, 16-18
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 128:1-2, 4-5
Gospel, Matthew 23:27-32
Reading 1, Second Thessalonians 3:6-10, 16-18
6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we urge you, brothers, to keep away from any of the brothers who lives an undisciplined life, not in accordance with the tradition you received from us.
7 You know how you should take us as your model: we were not undisciplined when we were with you,
8 nor did we ever accept food from anyone without paying for it; no, we worked with unsparing energy, night and day, so as not to be a burden on any of you.
9 This was not because we had no right to be, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to imitate.
10 We urged you when we were with you not to let anyone eat who refused to work.
16 May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.
17 This greeting is in my own hand-PAUL. It is the mark of genuineness in every letter; this is my own writing.
18 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 128:1-2, 4-5
1 [Song of Ascents] How blessed are all who fear Yahweh, who walk in his ways!
2 Your own labours will yield you a living, happy and prosperous will you be.
4 Such are the blessings that fall on those who fear Yahweh.
5 May Yahweh bless you from Zion! May you see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life,
Gospel, Matthew 23:27-32
27 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs that look handsome on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and every kind of corruption.
28 In just the same way, from the outside you look upright, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 ‘Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build the sepulchres of the prophets and decorate the tombs of the upright,
30 saying, “We would never have joined in shedding the blood of the prophets, had we lived in our ancestors’ day.”
31 So! Your own evidence tells against you! You are the children of those who murdered the prophets!
32 Very well then, finish off the work that your ancestors began.
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